Bad Breath: Useful Tips to Get Rid of it

At one time or another, we all experience bad breath but some people suffer from bad breath that never goes away. Bad breath makes social gatherings and professional meetings uncomfortable. If you have bad breath, there are many causes of it and all of them can be treated by Dr Tejas Patel, the best dentist in Aveley.

Chronic Bad Breath

Chronic bad breath is also called halitosis. Many people are not aware of this problem. The bad smell is generated by bacteria that thrive in the mouth under the gums, on the teeth surface and on the tongue. These anaerobic bacteria use sulfur and create sulfur compounds that have a typical “rotten egg” smell. Visit the dental clinic in Ellenbrook to get complete solutions for bad breath.

Bad Breath & Oral Health

Bad breath is related to poor oral health most of the time. If you have bad breath that keeps coming back, you might have one of these oral health conditions.

#1 Gum Disease

Bacteria thrive around your teeth causing gum disease that gives off bad smells. These bacteria live in between teeth and gum called gingival pockets. They attack your gums to create more spaces for themselves to live in. As the spaces get deeper, it becomes difficult to clean them and you end up with chronic bad breath. Your best dentist in Aveley can help you with professional teeth cleaning at this stage.

As the pocket gets deeper, bacteria start to attack your jawbone as well. If this situation is left untreated, you may have to face some serious consequences like tooth loss.
Symptoms of gum disease are:

  • Red & inflamed gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Loose teeth

If you have any of these symptoms, contact your best dentist in Aveley. At Aveley Dental Centre, one of the best dental clinics in Aveley & Ellenbrook, we offer complete gum disease treatment without surgery.

#2 Dental Infections

Sometimes, dental infections are also responsible for bad breath. It occurs when you have cavities and it reaches a deep level where the dental pulp is located. Inside the tooth, there is a great environment for anaerobic bacteria to grow and cause bad breath. An infected tooth with pulp involvement can be an extremely painful condition. Left untreated such tooth can lead to tooth loss as well as may allow bacteria to spread to other teeth.

Symptoms Of Dental Infections

  • Dental pain or sensitive tooth
  • Swelling around the tooth
  • Discharge from the affected tooth
  • Tooth discoloration.

If you have these symptoms, visit your best dentist in Aveley immediately.

Some Helpful Tips To Reduce Bad Breath

  • Brush your teeth immediately after you eat to reduce bad breath odors. Use a fluoride containing toothpaste if possible. Use tongue cleaner to reduce overgrowth of bacteria.
  • Don’t forget to floss your teeth at least once a day to remove food particles and dental plaque from between your teeth.
  • Change your toothbrush every 3 months or when it becomes hard, frayed and choose a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Keep your mouth moist by drinking water frequently or chew suragless gum to stimulate saliva. For patients with chronic dry mouth, your best dentist in Aveley or physician may prescribe medication to increase salivary flow.
  • Avoids foods like onions, garlic and limit sugary foods that can cause bad breath.
  • If you have denture, clean it properly at least once a day by using best denture cleaning product.
  • Vsit dental clinic in Ellenbrook twice a year to have your teeth or dentures examined and cleaned if needed.

Talk To Your Best Dentist In Aveley About Bad Breath

Because of all the above potential causes, if you experience chronic bad breath, it’s important to see your Ellenbrook dentist. Please also check other warning signs you may have so you can help your dentist in Aveley pinpoint the cause.

To get more information about our services, call us today at 08 6246 0144 to book an appointment with our dentist.

Also Read: Pros & Cons of Teeth Whitening That You Should Know

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